Wednesday, January 5, 2011

...Breeennnddaa...where are you?

Oh, there I am.
Yep, I'm still here and have set some new goals this year for my participation in the CDP. A basic is post more often. (I have to confess that working with a planner is one of my personal "lofty" goals this year, and believe me, it is a lofty goal, I struggle like crazy with this so called "tool" (can you sense my apprehension?)) But, goal it is!
The other is doing my own studies of dolls. Starting with a basic doll shape and then seeing how I can alter and manipulate the outcome with different embellishments and treatments. My hope with setting this goal; that it will help me kind of "force" my own creativity. I will then post my adventures with thoughts and photos of the work that I am doing.
So, there you have it, a brief synopsis of what I'm looking forward to this 2011! Post more, work more.
Happy New Year to All!
Let's start where we are...what a great place it can be.
Smiles to All,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brenda - planning ahead is good. I am planning how I am going to celebrate the centenary of International Women's Day on 8 March. And I think it will be by sitting in public and stitching. Currently thoughts are I will be working on a Comfort Doll (it seems appropriate for the day). More details at

    And a basic doll shape would be good. I am struggling with that, as the smallest change makes changes out of all proportion! That is one of my challenges too.


